
Shellfire GmbH
Altkönigstraße 10A
61389 Schmitten

Tel: +49 (0) 6101 659 252 40

Represented by the managing directors: Florian Gattung and Maximilian Behr
Register court of the GmbH: Local court Königstein
Registration number of the GmbH: HRB 11030

Person responsible for content:
Florian Gattung, Rosenstraße 5, 65719 Hofheim, Germany

VAT Reg No: DE352237087

Terms and Conditions
Privacy Statement

External links:
We have no control over the contents of external sites and assume no liability for these. When linking to these, we carefully examine their content but cannot guarantee the legality of this content at a later date. If you become aware of any illegal content, please let us know immediately so we can check this and delete the links.